The Catalyst: Sparking Creative Transformation in Healthcare
Welcome to The Catalyst, the podcast where we explore creative ideas to spark innovation in an unhealthy healthcare system. Join your host Dr. Lara Salyer, a physician and mom of three, who suffered burnout, resigned and is re-imagining the way she practices medicine. After training with the Institute for Functional Medicine and Flow Research Collective, Lara now teaches patients and practitioners how to optimize flow to catalyze their own revolution in healing. Tune in for candid conversations with leading experts in conventional and holistic healthcare, who dare to believe a better future is possible for all of us. We’ll cover topics from organizational efficiency to creative technology to proven methods to think differently about the practice of independent medicine. Life is made up of tiny, catalytic moments of immense impact. When strung together, the transformation is magical. Join us, and let’s color outside the lines!
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
“By the year 2040, 75% of Ag output will be controlled by less than 5% of farms. What that also indicates is that there's a tremendous opportunity for smaller scale farms establishing more of a direct to consumer relationship,” explains Dan Wegmueller, a fourth generation dairy farmer in Wisconsin. Healthcare and agriculture may not seem like they have a lot in common, and you may be surprised how much of Dan’s story you relate to. Burnout, depression, and suicide are at an all time high for farmers, technology is being used to take farmers out of livestock management, and it is nearly impossible for smaller farms to keep up with ever growing production demands. Farmers are being moved further away from their roots of caring for animals and having relationships with the consumer, and some in the industry are pushing for further automation. Today, Dan joins host Lara to talk about the similarities between agriculture and healthcare and the lessons he has learned from pivoting to agritourism.
Farming used to be about the relationship between a farmer, the land, the animals, and the consumer. Now, the majority of farms in America look very different from Dan’s picturesque dairy farm in Wisconsin. Instead they are highly technologically advanced with thousands of animals, and both farmers and consumers have less involvement in the food production process. When Dan took control of his family’s farm, things were not looking good financially. The farm was in significant debt and operating below cost of production. Instead of giving up, he pivoted and opened the Dairy Farm Stay in 2018. This farm stay was a way to not only bring in a continuing revenue source, but also to reconnect the consumer with the food production process.
Instead of giving up and shutting down, or giving in to demands and expanding, Dan chose to do something that nearly everyone told him would never work. He chose to go back to his roots and re-establish a relationship with the local community, opening the farm up and encouraging people to learn about where their food comes from.
• “Farmer suicide is higher than that of military combat veteran suicide.” (11:24-11:30 | Dan)
• “We've reached a point in Ag where technology is no longer supporting management. It's taken over management.” (17:07-17:16 | Dan)
• “By the year 2040, 75% of Ag output will be controlled by less than 5% of farms. What that also indicates is that there's a tremendous opportunity for smaller scale farms establishing more of a direct to consumer relationship.” (17:48-18:07 | Dan)
• “Never lose track of the long term goals, because it's absolutely worth it.” (34:38-34:42 | Dan)
• “Rather than focus on overextension, burnout, and everything else that goes with it, talk about getting back to roots, reestablishing what our true relationship is not only with land, environment, animals and consumers, but also ourselves.” (38:42-38:55 | Dan)
Links (to play "Rock, Paper, Scissors" and get your free Restoration plan) to sign up on the waiting list for this August's symposium
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Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
“Our current modern medical career is void of flow. In fact, we are basically stumbling and tripping over multiple disruptors which fragment our attention and drain our cognitive energy,” explains host Dr. Lara Salyer. It can be really difficult to access flow working within the current Western medical model. With constant flow disruptors throughout the day, it is helpful to know flow enhancers that you can take advantage of to reduce cognitive load, increase dopamine, and strengthen you against burnout. Today, Dr. Lara shares her quick rescue tip of time tagging, along with a list of flow enhancers and disruptors to be on the lookout for.
If you do not have time to plan out your full week, or you simply forgot, or something came up and now your schedule is totally thrown off, don’t worry. There is still time to save your week and get back on track. Dr. Lara suggests using a method called ‘time tagging’. Time tagging is essentially looking at your tasks and thinking about when during the day would be the best time to do each one. Rather than just listing all your tasks in a random order, think about when you will have the most energy available during the day for that task. Time tagging is a method that sets clear goals for your day, makes the most of your time and energy, and enhances flow.
There are many opportunities to enhance flow throughout the day if you know what to look for. On the Catalyst website, Dr. Lara provides a full list of 36 flow enhancers and disruptors. Using tricks like time tagging, avoiding flow disruptors, and adding more flow enhancers into your day can really help with avoiding burnout and keeping your day running smoothly.
• “If you remove disruptors from your environment that fragment your attention and drain your energy, you will also make it easier for your day to go smoothly.” (2:57-3:06 | Dr. Lara)
• “Time tagging is simply looking at when and really not what.” (4:29-4:33 | Dr. Lara)
• “Clear goals are excellent flow enhancers.” (8:21-8:25 | Dr. Lara)
• “Making it gamified with a challenge or risk is a very big flow enhancer.” (8:57-9:02 | Dr. Lara)
• “The more you practice gratitude, it creates that psychologically safe environment that allows creativity and flow.” (9:23-9:28 | Dr. Lara)
• “Our current modern medical career is void of flow. In fact, we are basically stumbling and tripping over multiple disruptors which fragment our attention and drain our cognitive energy.” (14:25-14:38 | Dr. Lara)
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Connect with Lara:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
“If you start to make that unconscious conscious, it becomes easier for you to captivate that awareness in your life and make decisions that do align with what matters to you,” explains host Dr. Lara Salyer. In today’s special FlashCast episode, Dr. Lara shares what it means to make the unconscious conscious through taking a look at the book The Science of Stuck by Britt Frank.
In The Science of Stuck, Britt explores in depth the meaning behind Carl Jung’s famous quote, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate”. If you take the time to really unpack that quote, it is pointing out the importance of awareness and self development for catalyzing your own destiny. If you never really get to know yourself on a deeper level, you will not be able to align your life with your values. When you feel yourself leaning into procrastination, gossip, resentment, guilt, or envy, take a moment to analyze what is causing those feelings. For example, if you are craving gossip, that could be due to having an underlying desire for human connection.
When you make the unconscious conscious, you can then better align your life with what matters to you the most. Your subconscious mind is giving you signals all the time and when you learn how to recognize them, you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself.
• “If you feel resentment, that's telling you that you need more boundaries.” (3:31-3:37 | Dr. Lara)
• “If you start to make that unconscious conscious, it becomes easier for you to captivate that awareness in your life and make decisions that do align with what matters to you.” (6:13-6:26 | Dr. Lara)
• “There is something about clearing that cache in your brain and getting it out, making that unconscious conscious, that will impact how you show up.” (8:08-8:17 | Dr. Lara)
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Connect with Lara:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
“Membership is fantastic because it's clear, it’s outlined, it gives an expected transition, and you're also supporting ongoing health,” explains host Dr. Lara Salyer. Package structures tend to not work as well in functional medicine because the basis of functional medicine is digging deep to unravel complex medical conditions as well as to provide ongoing support. With a package, you are really missing that ongoing support portion and not setting yourself or your patients up to be as successful as possible. Today, Dr. Lara shares her methods for setting up a membership model that serves both you and your patients.
Dr. Lara used to find herself dreading the discovery call before switching to a membership model for her practice. By changing to a membership model, Dr. Lara was able to attract patients who share her enthusiasm for finding the root causes of their medical conditions and who are ready to engage with her in the partnership that functional medicine requires. It may seem daunting to create your own membership model, but it is actually relatively easy and there are many resources available to help you get started. The first step is figuring out the average length of time your patients typically see you, then brainstorming all the services you offer your patients, and finally organizing those services into tiers.
With a flow channeled membership based practice, you will be able to enlist your patients to be co-creators of their own health journey. If you want to make sure you never dread a discovery call again, consider switching to a membership model that supports your patients’ ongoing health.
• “When you are looking at ongoing medical support and you are unraveling complex processes, packages don't work.” (3:31-3:38 | Dr. Lara)
• “There are no two memberships alike, and you're allowed to take what you like, leave the rest and tweak it so that it reflects your own values and personality.” (7:45-7:53 | Dr. Lara)
• “The thing about innovative healthcare is creating this ecosystem and environment for patients to thrive and lowering that barrier for them to experiment with some of these modalities is key.” (16:16-16:27 | Dr. Lara)
• “People underestimate the need for community.” (17:38-17:42 | Dr. Lara)
• “Really all a membership is, is the promise that you'll be there for a minimum amount of months and they have flexibility to continue after that.” (18:49-18:58 | Dr. Lara)
Connect with Lara:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
“Flow state is quite honestly the opposite brainwave pattern as grief and burnout. It's the only time your brain produces all five neurochemicals of happiness,” explains host Dr. Lara Salyer. Modern day life for a physician is full of flow disruptors and does not provide many opportunities for creativity and play. Without the chance to play and be creative, it is very difficult if not impossible to enter a flow state. Today, Dr. Lara explains the sixth vital sign, creativity, and how important it is as a burnout prevention tool. She also shares several flow enhancers and flow disruptors to watch for.
Burnout is becoming more and more common in the healthcare industry. Even medical students have been reporting rising rates of burnout among their peers. There are many contributing factors that can lead to burnout, but the root cause boils down to a lack of opportunities for creativity, imagination, and play. Physicians spend less and less time with their patients and more time on administrative tasks like updating electronic medical records and attending mandatory meetings. They have little to no time for relaxation or recovery, little opportunity for gratitude, and much less autonomy over their workday than physicians had in the past. This type of work environment can lead to the three leading characterizations of burnout: depersonalization, low perceived achievement, and emotional exhaustion.
Most modern healthcare professionals have a major lack of work/life balance. One easy fix is to incorporate relaxation, creativity, and playfulness into your work day. If you are ready to make a shift and activate your creativity, take a moment to complete the assessment on Dr. Lara’s website which will provide you with an actionable restoration plan based on your rock, paper, scissors persona.
• “If we put our brains under a functional MRI during the grief process, the brainwave pattern is exactly the same as burnout.” (3:05-3:14 | Dr. Lara)
• “Flow state is quite honestly the opposite brainwave pattern as grief and burnout. It's the only time your brain produces all five neurochemicals of happiness.” (7:28-7:40 | Dr. Lara)
• “When you are primed for flow, you produce 100% more meaning, 200% more learning and memory capability, and 430% more innovation. Not to mention you're 500% more productive.” (9:51-10:10 | Dr. Lara)
• “Burnout is characterized by three things, depersonalization and cynicism, low perceived achievement, and emotional exhaustion.” (18:28-18:38 | Dr. Lara)
• “The modern physician’s day is only flow disruptors.” (20:27-20:32 | Dr. Lara)
Rock-Paper-Scissors quiz:
Connect with Lara:
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Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
“The idea is you have this trigger, you stop the negative cascade, and you substitute something positive so that gradually the brain learns that this is not the pathway you go,” explains Rachel Veltman, an expert on the top 3 Neuroplasticity programs available for brain retraining. After finding out she had a mold toxicity illness, Rachel decided to try each of the major neuroplasticity programs to retrain her brain after limbic system impairment from the mold. Today, Rachel joins host Lara to discuss neuroplasticity and healing from mold and to explain the differences between the 3 top programs.
Each of the three neuroplasticity programs offers similar benefits such as individual coaching, online community, and educational content on limbic system impairment from things like mold exposure, illness, injury or electromagnetic frequencies. They vary slightly in approach, intensity, and cost, with the most affordable option being Primal Trust which has a monthly membership fee for access to all services. The other two, DNRS and The Gupta Program offer 12 weeks of instruction with the option to extend, with DNRS having the added benefit of online peer groups and Gupta having a slower pace and focus on meditation. Primal Trust offers the most robust program with a combination of brain retraining and somatic movement along with other modalities like polyvagal theory. Rachel found that the programs which offered access to peer groups were the most effective for her.
Neuroplasticity programs can be extremely helpful for healing the brain after limbic system impairment. With damage from Long COVID becoming more prevalent, the need for brain retraining is getting a lot more attention. Learn more about how these programs differ so that you can make an informed decision and start retraining your brain today.
• “Your brain wiring can be changed by the experiences of being exposed to mold or electromagnetic frequencies.” (6:23-6:38 | Rachel)
• “The idea is you have this trigger, you stop the negative cascade, and you substitute something positive so that gradually the brain learns that this is not the pathway you go.” (8:57-9:12 | Rachel)
• “With any healing journey, it's not linear.” (34:01-34:03 | Lara)
• “If you're listening, and you're checking these out, be honest with your time management and your energy and know that this is a great investment, because it will pay dividends in your energy.” (36:14-36:24 | Lara)
Neuroplasticity programs:,,
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Lara's recommended product lists:
Connect with Lara:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
“Wellness, because it's the Wild West, there are no black and white answers oftentimes when it comes to, ‘Can I do this? Or can't I do this?” explains Barbara J. Zabawa, JD, MPH. Barbara is the founder and president of Wellness Law, a legal services company dedicated to improving wellness law compliance for health and wellness professionals and companies. She is also the founder of Pursesuitz, a mission based fashion company, and Lemon Spark, a movement and podcast celebrating the sparks that lead people to meaningful pursuits after experiencing life's lemons. Today, Barbara joins host Lara to discuss how wellness law can help you to practice safely and compliantly.
Barbara started her company because she saw a gap in the market for providing legal services to those outside of the scope of traditional health law. Much of wellness law is less regulated as practitioners tend to not be licensed and governed in the same way as traditional healthcare providers. It’s possible to unintentionally break the law by providing professional health services to people in states where you are unlicensed. If you are marketing yourself as a coach, but you really emphasize your credentials as a doctor or a nurse, that could end up being seen as a violation of the law. It is important to really keep your wellness business separate from any professional license you hold in order to not run into compliance issues.
With the increase in telemedicine availability, more and more healthcare providers are offering services to people outside of their home state. This can cause legal complications if you are not licensed in the state where your clients reside. Since wellness professionals often do not require licensure to practice, they have the benefit of a bit more legal flexibility. Even so, you still have to be cautious of how you market your services.
• “Even though there may be technical violations of the law, there's not a lot of appetite at this moment from some of the licensing boards to do anything about it.” (21:30-21:40 | Barbara)
• “The more you emphasize that credential, the more likely it is that you will be held to that standard.” (24:55-25:02 | Barbara)
• “Wellness, because it's the Wild West, there are no black and white answers oftentimes when it comes to, ‘Can I do this? Or can't I do this?’, when it comes to legal questions.” (25:33-25:48 | Barbara)
• “You need to be licensed where your patients are. It's not enough that you have a license in the state where you reside.” (28:38-28:48 | Barbara)
• “In order to really satisfy the market need for cross border practice, the laws are going to have to accommodate that. Otherwise, I think the licensed professions will suffer.” (33:14-33:30 | Barbara)
Connect with Barbara J. Zabawa:
Twitter: @wellnessatty; @puresuitz; @lemonsparkstories
Instagram: @wellnessattorney; @pursesuitz; @lemonsparkstories
Facebook: @centerforhealthandwellnesslaw; @pursesuitz; @lemonspark
Connect with Lara:
Functional Medicine Micropractice Checklist:
Catalyst Studio Mentorship:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
As we continue to do the work to uncover old thought patterns and rewire our brains for success, it is helpful to give ourselves daily reminders to keep going. In today’s episode, host Dr. Lara Salyer shares 7 daily mantras that she uses in both her personal and professional lives to keep herself moving forward.
We become the thoughts we think. So it is important for all healthcare practitioners and entrepreneurs to implement a set of beliefs into their daily routine, and one of the best ways to do this is by repeating short mantras to yourself. That way when the going gets tough, you can take a moment to step pause and get back on track. For Dr. Lara, a few of her favorite mantras include asking herself if she’s done the bare minimum, finding a place to dump and organize her ideas, structuring tasks to make them easier, and focusing her attention on things that will grow her flow.
These mantras have not only been effective in Dr. Lara’s life, but the lives of many other practitioners that she has mentored. Join the conversation for a deeper dive on how you can utilize these 7 mantras to lower cortisol and guide you towards success!
• “These mantras are key because it is an opportunity for me to take that pause, gain new perspective, and get back on track with what matters.” (01:13-01:22 | Dr. Lara)
• “You don't need to take large steps to make amazing transformations in your life.” (03:16-03:20 | Dr. Lara)
• “We can sabotage our own efforts because we are distrustful of things being easy.” (04:28-04:32 | Dr. Lara)
• “If you have a place for everything and everything has its place, if your ideas have a home and you have some organization, you will feel so much more in control and cortisol will lower.” (07:33-07:45 | Dr. Lara)
• “Looking at success in metrics that matter to you is more important than comparing yourself to other success metrics like dollars or likes on social media.” (11:28-11:39 | Dr. Lara)
• “If we nurture and tend our thoughts very carefully, we will grow what matters to us and we will be able to prime our brain for more flow opportunities.” (13:41-13:51 | Dr. Lara)
Connect with Lara:
Amazon Store front:
Free Restoration Plan:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
“The problem with burnout is the workplace, not the worker,” shares Dr. Paul DeChant, CEO of the Sutter Gould Medical Foundation. Today, Dr. Paul joins host Lara to discuss the 6 drivers of burnout, including the systemic issues in our healthcare system that really need to be addressed in order to reduce burnout on a whole.
Often physicians blame themselves for their burnout or think it is all just due to exhaustion from work overload. In truth, burnout is largely a result of the system needing to be redesigned to work better for both physicians and patients alike. The main drivers of burnout are work overload, lack of control, insufficient reward, breakdown of community, absence of fairness, and values conflicts. People tend to become doctors because they love working with patients, but within the current system, two thirds of their time is spent on other tasks like administrative duties rather than time spent actually caring for patients. With restructuring, the system could be adapted to control for the drivers of burnout so that physicians are able to spend more time doing what they do best.
Burnout is not your fault, it’s the system’s. It’s easy to blame yourself for a lack of resilience, but the truth is that the majority of what drives burnout are factors built into the current healthcare system.
• “The problem with burnout is the workplace, not the worker.” (3:47-3:51 | Dr. Paul)
• “Most people think it's exhaustion from overload and don't invest enough in redesigning.” (7:06-7:11 | Dr. Paul)
• “Recognize that the people who are doing the work and are suffering from that dysfunction, they know what's wrong. They have great ideas to make it better. They just don't rarely get the opportunity.” (8:55-9:07 | Dr. Paul)
• “The things that drive cynicism, control, reward, community, fairness, and values, those have so much to do with how you lead.” (13:23-13:32 | Dr. Paul)
Connect with Paul DeChant:
Connect with Lara:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
“The bare minimum is better than what conventional medicine has right now. Conventional medicine does not offer any functional medicine testing. So by picking two functional tests that really intrigue you and learning them well so that you can apply them strategically, you will help more patients than if you try to learn all the tests in a scattered fashion,” explains host Dr. Lara Salyer. Today, Dr. Lara shares what she would do differently if she were starting a functional medicine clinic in entrepreneur care with the knowledge she has now.
Dr. Lara suggests a three step process for starting as a functional medicine practitioner as an entrepreneur. The first step is ‘select’ which refers to selecting your introductory offering and any team members you may need such as an accountant or a mentor. Keep the introductory offering to something simple like a 60 minute visit. It can be easy to get distracted by all of the exciting opportunities provided by functional medicine, so be sure to stay focused on the patient in front of you and your core values. Use your values to guide your decisions so that you do not end up overwhelmed. Next, begin to streamline and create a signature method to follow. This is where you can create educational materials so that your clients do not need to go to you with every little question. Finally, strategize and decide on your membership model.
Being an entrepreneur as a functional medicine practitioner allows you the freedom to build your business your way. However, it can quickly become overwhelming if you do not narrow your focus. Get very clear on what your values are and use them to anchor you, so that you do not get off track.
• “The bare minimum is better than what conventional has right now. Conventional medicine does not offer any functional medicine testing. So when you learn how to do two things well, picking two functional tests that really intrigue you and learn them very well so that you can apply them strategically, you will help more patients than if you try to learn all the tests in a scattered fashion in a superficial way.” (6:08-6:35 | Dr. Lara)
• “The more clear you are on your values, that anchors you deep into why you're doing what you're doing.” (9:06-9:12 | Dr. Lara)
• “Stay with your blinders on and focus on the patient in front of you, focus on each case.” (19:57-20:02 | Dr. Lara)
• “As a healthcare entrepreneur, I didn't want to be a salesperson. I wanted to be a teacher, period.” (23:02-23:08 | Dr. Lara)
Connect with Lara:
Time Management Calendar download:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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