The Catalyst: Sparking Creative Transformation in Healthcare

Welcome to The Catalyst, the podcast where we explore creative ideas to spark innovation in an unhealthy healthcare system. Join your host Dr. Lara Salyer, a physician and mom of three, who suffered burnout, resigned and is re-imagining the way she practices medicine. After training with the Institute for Functional Medicine and Flow Research Collective, Lara now teaches patients and practitioners how to optimize flow to catalyze their own revolution in healing. Tune in for candid conversations with leading experts in conventional and holistic healthcare, who dare to believe a better future is possible for all of us. We’ll cover topics from organizational efficiency to creative technology to proven methods to think differently about the practice of independent medicine. Life is made up of tiny, catalytic moments of immense impact. When strung together, the transformation is magical. Join us, and let’s color outside the lines!

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20 hours ago

“What do you say when it feels like the patient is stuck, and you’re stuck, and you’re not sure it’s landing?” asks Dr. Lara Salyer. In this episode, inspired by a recent mastermind session within her Catalyst Studio mentorship, she tackles the challenging moments in healthcare when both practitioners and patients feel stuck, often referred to as “plateaus.”
Dr. Salyer shares strategies for maintaining peace while helping patients, including practical scripts to foster open communication and reflection. She emphasizes setting boundaries, guiding patients toward internal tools like meditation, and leveraging community support for better outcomes. Dr. Salyer also discusses the importance of recognizing one’s limits and referring patients to specialists when necessary.
Tune in to this episode of The Catalyst to discover how creativity, community, and continuous learning can enhance patient care and overcome professional plateaus.
• “Functional medicine, being so complex, can make you feel like you’re spinning in circles. Often, the art of medicine is what keeps our sessions with patients together because we can get lost in the science and data. It’s the art of delivering a healing experience to patients that can really drive their success home.” (02:04 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
• “In functional medicine, the partnership is 50-50. You can’t heal your patient; they are healing themselves. You’re just guiding them. Often, we forget this and end up overreaching, overextending, and over-helping, which takes the power away from the patient. We need to remind ourselves that they ultimately have the choice.” (03:04 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• “There are a lot of cool and creative ideas that you can show patients so they can learn how to be self-effective, self-confident, and take back their power, while also utilizing community to lift them up because we’re all doing it. All the patients are doing it. If I’m truly at the end of the line of where I think my skills can help the patient, I remember and hold this in high priority to myself, saying I am not their final stop on their journey.” (11:33 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• “We all bring to the table unique healing styles. And that’s what I love helping practitioners do, is express those unique healing styles so that they can transform patient lives without burning out. My unique healing style is I incorporate creativity. I incorporate flow neuroscience. I incorporate very trauma-focused support so patients can align their mind, body, and spirit.” (12:03 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
• “Being curious, open-minded, and willing to be humble and grow from every patient encounter is how you can catalyze massive transformation in your patients’ and clients’ lives.” (15:23 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
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The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Jul 19, 2024

“Don't switch your tech,” advises Dr. Lara Salyer. In this episode, she shares a childhood memory of playing board games to illustrate the importance of sticking with technology that works for you, rather than constantly switching to new tools. She addresses “shiny object syndrome,” where new tech can disrupt workflows and cause inefficiencies.
Dr. Salyer emphasizes stability over novelty in choosing tech tools and resources. While new solutions may seem promising, they often come with steep learning curves. Instead, she advocates for using a tech stack that works about 80% of the time, fostering efficiency and familiarity. Staying with a technology long-term also brings benefits like grandfathered pricing and beta testing opportunities.
For evaluating new tech tools, consider cost, usability, and cross-platform availability. Understanding one’s “user manual”—the unique ways individuals work best—is crucial. This episode provides valuable insights into the strategic use of technology in healthcare, advocating for a balanced approach that prioritizes efficiency, familiarity, and long-term stability.
Tune in to this episode of The Catalyst to discover Dr. Salyer’s favorite tech stack, learn how she chose it, and find methods to evaluate new tech tools for your processes.
• “When you sign on to learn a new technology, you’re delaying time in your current efficiency and workflows. You’re also gambling on the hope that this new tech will solve all your problems. It’s that shiny object syndrome: you get a little hit of dopamine, but is it really going to be life-changing?” (02:57 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
• “As a clinician and mentor, I don’t want to spend my precious learning time on just a new version of technology when the other one works just fine. Everything evens out, just like in the game of Sorry. When designing your own tech stack for your brain, you need to understand how you work internally. I call it the user manual for our body and brain, which we aren’t born with.” (06:37 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
• “The more you understand your own flow cadence, the more you understand the user manual of your own mind-body-spirit, and if you work with a mentor who can pull those out of you to create your beautiful self-expressive healing style, you’ll be able to transform patient lives without burnout and enjoy the career that you’ve built. Make sure this tech works for you. Make sure it really hits that personalization that you’re looking for. And keep that long-term view in mind. Technology is always going to improve.” (20:38 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
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The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Jul 12, 2024

“There are mundane tasks, and then there are those that are so overwhelming, detailed, and comprehensive that just thinking about them exhausts our minds. We already feel depleted and suffer from cognitive drain,” begins Dr. Lara Salyer.
In this episode, Dr. Salyer shares how to turn overwhelming chores into manageable and even enjoyable activities. Drawing from her experience as a physician who overcame burnout, she provides strategies to optimize flow and boost productivity. Key tactics include eliminating unnecessary tasks, breaking them into manageable steps, automating repetitive chores, and adding elements of fun or ease.
Dr. Salyer emphasizes the importance of novelty, curiosity, and gamification in achieving a state of flow. She encourages listeners to experiment with these strategies, transforming mundane tasks into opportunities for growth and satisfaction, ultimately aiming for a world without burnout.
• “We are in adulthood, and it’s not fun. Let’s be honest. There are mundane tasks, and then there are those that are so overwhelming, detailed, and comprehensive that just thinking about them exhausts our minds. We already feel depleted and suffer from cognitive drain. But if you are a listener of this podcast, you know we have the catalyst advantage of using flow neuroscience to tackle anything in our work-life masterpiece.” (00:52 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• “Any way to make your tasks new and fun with fresh eyes is one way that you can add that novelty. Novelty is a flow enhancer. There are ways to enhance this flow and eliminate those disruptions to flow.” (13:36 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
• “Adulting can be boring and mundane, but you can use flow neuroscience to get through some of those tasks. It improves your self-reliance and confidence the more that you accomplish. It also helps you get out of feeling like things are happening to you. You move aside from that victim role, you take back more power, and you’re more likely to feel less stress and have increased job satisfaction and personal well-being. You also can use flow and creativity that enhances all of these things, so you’re left feeling like you are exactly on the path that you need to be.” (16:45 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
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The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Jun 28, 2024

“I just felt a calling to support doctors,” says Kim Downey movingly. “And so that’s what I do all day, everyday. I try to find ways to support doctors.”
In a heartfelt conversation with Dr. Lara Salyer, Kim Downey, Community Ambassador for Medicine Forward and a three-time cancer survivor, shares her mission to combat burnout in the healthcare system. Triggered by the tragic loss of her radiologist, Kim’s journey highlights the profound impact of burnout and grief within the medical community.
Kim discusses her initiatives, including her YouTube channel, Stand Up For Doctors, and her role in Medicine Forward, to build a supportive community for physicians. She emphasizes the power of gratitude, small acts of autonomy, and the importance of meaningful connections to address systemic issues in healthcare.
Dr. Salyer and Kim advocate for integrating physician coaching and creative outlets as essential tools for sustaining well-being. They call for recognizing burnout signs and seeking support through community and creative activities, aiming to restore autonomy and the sacred doctor-patient relationship.
This episode of The Catalyst offers insightful strategies for healthcare professionals to achieve well-being and resilience, emphasizing the importance of community, creativity, and support.
• “I had an incredible radiologist who performed a couple feats of miraculous technical skill on me. He was amazing. After two years of constant medical issues, I showed up for what I thought was going to be my first routine imaging visit. And when I got there, he wasn’t there. I asked where he was and they said that he died a month ago. I asked what happened and they said the family hasn't shared that… I knew at that moment that he must have taken his own life, and I found out that that was the case. After that, I just felt a calling to support doctors. And so that’s what I do all day, everyday. I try to find ways to support doctors.” (03:31 | Kim Downey) 
• “You need to check in with yourself. Am I hungry? Am I prioritizing rest and all of those things and not suppressing your own really basic needs?” (20:18 | Kim Downey) 
• “What would you change about the typical day in a physician right now? Well, basically just restoring their autonomy and letting them be able to have more time with patients because that sacred doctor-patient relationship is the key to everything. And I’m involved with Medicine Forward now, the organization. I’m the community ambassador, so I welcome new members. That’s what we talk about over and over again—the sacredness. And what we’re trying to do is restore the sacred doctor-patient relationship.” (22:09 | Dr. Lara Salyer & Kim Downey) 
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The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Jun 21, 2024

“I see functional medicine as a great opportunity to provide psych rehab,” says Dr. Achina Stein, clinical director of the Healing Depression Project and a board-certified psychiatrist with over 30 years of experience. Dr. Stein, also a best-selling author, shares insights from her book, “What If It’s Not Depression? Your Guide to Finding Answers.”
Dr. Stein recounts her journey into functional medicine, initiated by her son’s mental health crisis. Conventional medicine failed to help, but she discovered his issues were due to celiac disease and nutritional deficiencies. Addressing these root causes led to his recovery without medication.
The discussion contrasts conventional and functional medicine approaches to depression. Functional medicine looks beyond symptoms to factors like nutrition, gut health, and toxins, emphasizing personalized care and detailed lab testing. Dr. Stein highlights the importance of the autonomic nervous system, vagus nerve training, and mindset work.
This episode offers a fresh perspective on depression treatment, focusing on root causes and personalized, holistic care, providing hope for those seeking lasting solutions. Listeners will also learn about Dr. Stein’s four-week intensive program, which combines comprehensive testing, lifestyle changes, and continuous support to foster sustainable healing.
• “Root causes—I feel like that’s a common misconception and something that functional medicine inadvertently advertises that we find the root cause. And it’s rarely one root cause. There’s usually many.” (07:54 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• “I see functional medicine as a great opportunity to provide psych rehab. If you had a broken leg or were in a car accident, you’re going to want to be helicoptered to the closest hospital and have whatever surgery that you need. But no one expects to be discharged with having casts on their body for the rest of their life. But why is it that we do that with patients who are admitted to a psych unit and given medications?” (30:32 | Dr. Achina Stein) 
• “To me, they’re casts on some level, but it’s an opportunity to save that person’s life, get them stabilized with medications. But then while they’re on medications, why don’t we put them into this rehab, figuring out what it was that caused their bodies to go out of balance—body, mind and spirit—to go out of balance and use the crutch of medications to be able to rehab them and figure out what went wrong and then be able to come off of that, just like you would come out of these casts.” (30:59 | Dr. Achina Stein) 
• “We want people to believe in themselves to some degree, feeling like there's something going on in their bodies that's beyond just the classic depression, and want to get better. We want them to be at least willing to make changes in their life and feel that they have the ability to do these things and get better.” (34:34 | Dr. Achina Stein) 
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The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Jun 14, 2024

Is there more joy coming into the system? Andrea Telfer-Karbo, a nurse practitioner in functional and integrative medicine, poses this question in her discussion with Dr. Lara Salyer. Drawing from personal experiences and professional expertise, Andrea champions treating root causes of illness for genuine healing.
Her journey, shaped by her sister’s childhood leukemia, highlighted the limitations of conventional medicine and guided her toward a holistic approach. Andrea’s four-step healing process—implemented at The Remedy clinic and her Total Gut Reset program—focuses on identifying stressors, intensive repair, rebalancing health, and teaching resilience.
Andrea and Dr. Salyer advocate for personalized care that respects individual differences and natural rhythms. They discuss practical ways to integrate natural elements into healthcare settings and emphasize the importance of healthcare providers maintaining their own health to prevent burnout.
This episode offers a visionary look at a more joyful and holistic healthcare system, driven by empathy and personalized treatment.
• “You’re showing them that healing comes in many forms. And nobody has the one answer. But together, we can be that bridge, like you said, and find that joy—that spark again as a true measurement of well-being.” (09:36 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
• “Don’t you think health is scary? Not health, but the health care system itself is so fear-triggering... I’m definitely the first one to admit that. I’ve been through a lot from a young age with the healthcare industry. And it's very fear-triggering. I think in some ways that prevents the healing process from taking place in people or being able to just look at their information objectively, because we treat these numbers like they are the end-all, be-all when everyone is experiencing their body a little bit differently. And the data that you get is also kind of fleeting, right? So you really have to be a good steward and guide people through that.” (27:43 | Dr. Lara Salyer & Andrea Telfer-Karbo) 
• “I really think the future of medicine is reconnecting people with their humanity and their natural rhythms.” (32:22 | Andrea Telfer-Karbo) 
Biohackers on a First Date:
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The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Jun 07, 2024

“As a society of humans, we were bad at grace for ourselves and so you have to build that into being a peak performer to be a great leader,” says Dr. David Radosevich, a psychologist specializing in high-performance leadership. In this episode, Dr. Radosevich shares his expertise on achieving the flow state—a mental condition where individuals perform and feel their best. He explains how tapping into this state involves harnessing neurochemicals that elevate focus and performance.
The discussion covers practical strategies for accessing flow, such as eliminating trivial tasks, prioritizing crucial activities, and managing energy over time. Dr. Radosevich emphasizes the importance of strategic time blocking, active recovery, and the cultural shift needed to move away from overwork.
Dr. Salyer and Dr. Radosevich highlight the role of active recovery and micro-recoveries for high-demand professionals. They share personal stories and tips on integrating flow triggers into daily routines, such as breathwork and physical activity.
This episode provides actionable advice for enhancing efficiency and well-being. Dr. Radosevich encourages listeners to adopt self-care strategies to prevent burnout and achieve success, making this a must-listen for anyone looking to elevate their life and career through the power of flow.
• “I would say, in the business world, people are grinding too much and they’re not taking the time to pause, reflect, and figure out: ‘How can I work smarter and happier and get even greater results?’” (03:59 | David Radosevich) 
• “We really encourage people to engage in active recovery, which is basically positive stress for the body; working it out. So that much like an athlete, we go up, we go down, we oscillate up and down. And when we engage in active recovery, we’re actually increasing our window of tolerance for stress. The line isn’t going straight. Our tolerance is going up slowly so we build that tolerance just like we’re training for a 10K or a half marathon. We get stronger the more we do it. (18:55 | David Radosevich)
• “I think as a society of humans, we were bad at grace for ourselves and so you have to build that into being a peak performer to be a great leader.” (33:06 | David Radosevich) 
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The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday May 31, 2024

“I view social media as a long game,” asserts Dr. Lara Salyer. “When you are opening up an entrepreneurial business, you have to have a footprint online, a website, a social media profile, but it’s up to you to dial up or down your presence,” she says. In this episode, Dr. Salyer explores how to leverage natural personality traits for smarter, more effective social media engagement. She introduces a framework of personality archetypes—Resolute Rock, Fervent Flame, Wise Wind, and Reflective River—each offering unique strengths and challenges in content creation.
Dr. Salyer shares personal anecdotes highlighting her journey with social media, particularly how her perfectionist tendencies as a ‘Resolute Rock’ presented learning opportunities. She invites listeners to identify their own dominant archetype using the Catalyst Archetype quiz, aiding them in crafting social media strategies that play to their strengths and acknowledge their limits to prevent burnout.
Highlighting the importance of authenticity and personal expression in creating content, Dr. Salyer stresses these factors as preventive measures against burnout and keys to professional fulfillment. She encourages listeners to approach their social media activities with confidence and creativity, fostering an environment of success and genuine achievement.
• “I was very structured, very rigid, very solidly into that modality of perfectionism that I needed to do things right. I needed to fit in. I needed to comply with the rules of whatever Instagram was at the time. Algorithms change; social media changes. And now, fast forward, I’m understanding how to leverage my own archetype and the seasonality of how I like to do things in a more efficient and flow-channeled method.” (02:00 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• “My goal inside the Catalyst Studio is to work with your skills and your unique self expression. There is no dogma or cookie cutter way to do social media and we try to balance that with how you want to show up and what makes it fun for you.” (03:50 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
• “Social media is designed to be adaptable to your style. And as a practitioner, you want to be self-expressive in the healing modalities you use to transform your patients’ lives. We want to do that without burnout and with lots of creativity. So here is your right brain prescription at the end of this podcast episode: I want you to act as if. So this is part acting creatively, but also part manifesting and priming your brain neurologically. I want you to act as if you are already successful, adaptable, and excited about whatever social media you’ve decided to do.” (22:22 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
Catalyst Archetype Quiz:
Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday May 24, 2024

“You are educating your prospective patients about the transformation you can give,” Dr. Lara Salyer explains as she delves into the evolution of healthcare marketing. She redefines marketing as a form of education rather than mere salesmanship, encouraging healthcare providers to view it as a tool for informing and educating about the care they provide.
Dr. Salyer urges healthcare providers to align their marketing strategies with their personal values and strengths, allowing them to connect genuinely with their audience and avoid the discomfort often associated with traditional marketing tactics.
The episode explores the history of healthcare marketing, from the print-heavy 1970s to the digital-centric present, outlining how each era introduced distinct challenges and opportunities that reshaped how healthcare professionals reach and educate their potential patients.
Dr. Salyer offers practical advice on developing a personalized marketing plan that combines proven strategies from the past with contemporary digital tools. She emphasizes the importance of community engagement, advocating for both in-person and online interactions to build meaningful relationships and effectively engage with potential patients.
• “Next time you think, ‘Oh, I have to worry about marketing or advertising,’ switch that word to education. How can I educate? How can I show up and educate so that these prospective patients can visualize the transformation and see a better future?” (04:17 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• “There is no dogmatic way to have your own practice. So meeting people where they’re at, really pushing through those vulnerable bottlenecks that might be sabotaging your progress, helping yourself design your own career according to your values and what you want to express and be passionate about, and showing your patients in their healing path can be very transformative.” (05:07 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• “Save your money. Stop running those cold ads if you don’t have a foundation of understanding your values, your mission, your vision, your tagline, your elevator pitch, your ideal patient.” (19:28 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• “Today’s right brain prescription is to sit down with yourself and think about those decades of advertising and what internally feels the easiest for you. And then imagine your ideal patient that you love seeing, your ideal patient that you love to serve… Start shaking hands and using other people’s audiences to get a wider reach. You can leverage that, and that’s what community is for.” (19:41 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
Catalyst Micropractice Assessment:
Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday May 17, 2024

“Every practitioner needs to know what is the frame of their work-life masterpiece,” states Dr. Lara Salyer. “And by that, I mean knowing yourself from inside out,” she explains. In this episode, Dr. Salyer redefines work-life integration for healthcare professionals. As an osteopathic physician who has conquered burnout herself, Dr. Salyer offers insights and strategies to help medical practitioners craft a “work-life masterpiece” rather than chase the unattainable ideal of balance. She highlights the importance of self-awareness, knowing one’s optimal working conditions, and aligning one’s practice with personal values and creativity.
Dr. Salyer addresses the challenges healthcare professionals face in the current system, such as high administrative burdens and standardized practices that restrain individuality and creativity. She advocates for a personalized approach to medical practice, enabling healthcare providers to express their unique perspectives and incorporate their interests, like burnout prevention or specialized medical areas, into their practice to improve patient care and compliance.
• “Balance doesn’t exist. You’re constantly in motion. You’re constantly painting this masterpiece. If done right, we can align so that our expressive self is visible in all elements of our work, bringing ourselves into this beautiful healing relationship with our patients.” (01:52 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
• “I’m interested in burnout mitigation. I’m interested in the HPA axis system of stress. So I bring a lot of that along with creative flow, the neuroscience of creativity. I bring a lot of this into my exam room. And this is what patients really come alive with. They want to know their practitioner. That builds the trusted relationship. And believe it or not, that improves adherence. So we can design this from the inside out by helping you frame what is in your workplace masterpiece—that work-life masterpiece you are painting. How can we arrange things around you that bring out this inspirational magic waiting to come forth? The environment is important. (03:55 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
• “When I work with practitioners and we talk about creating this personalized way of delivering their medical care, we start with values and quickly go into how to assess their personal needs, the user manual, how do they want to be approached? How do they want to be interrupted? Where do they want to receive their messages? All of this is really important in framing yourself, which is why it is in the very first module of my Catalyst roadmap called ‘Imagine.’” (12:21 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
Catalyst Micropractice Assessment:
Catalyst Archetype Quiz:
Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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