The Catalyst: Sparking Creative Transformation in Healthcare

Welcome to The Catalyst, the podcast where we explore creative ideas to spark innovation in an unhealthy healthcare system. Join your host Dr. Lara Salyer, a physician and mom of three, who suffered burnout, resigned and is re-imagining the way she practices medicine. After training with the Institute for Functional Medicine and Flow Research Collective, Lara now teaches patients and practitioners how to optimize flow to catalyze their own revolution in healing. Tune in for candid conversations with leading experts in conventional and holistic healthcare, who dare to believe a better future is possible for all of us. We’ll cover topics from organizational efficiency to creative technology to proven methods to think differently about the practice of independent medicine. Life is made up of tiny, catalytic moments of immense impact. When strung together, the transformation is magical. Join us, and let’s color outside the lines!

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5 days ago

“Trust your gut. That was it. That was the whole conversation,” recalls Jenn Johnson, a seasoned ER nurse with over 16 years in the field. Those simple words from her professor shaped how she approaches patient care and the importance of intuition in nursing.
In this episode, Jenn joins Dr. Lara Salyer to share how intuition has been her guiding light throughout her career, especially during the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. She talks about battling burnout and how creativity and emotional resilience have helped her. Her book, “Nursing Intuition,” encourages healthcare professionals to reconnect with their passion for the field while also recognizing the emotional toll it can take.
Jenn explains how trusting your gut can lead to better assessments, even when the data doesn’t flag any issues. She points out the value of open communication within healthcare teams that will foster collaboration and improve patient outcomes. She also introduces a unique grief journal she created to help healthcare workers manage emotions and combat burnout. 
By blending intuition and creativity as essential tools to thrive in the demanding world of nursing, Jenn inspires listeners to tap into their own instincts for resilience and healing.
“The easiest catalyst moment is obviously COVID. COVID, for all that it did that was negative, I try my very best to look at the silver linings, however small or minute they may be. There’s always a silver lining if you look hard enough.” (03:04 | Jenn Johnson)
“Intuition is this great thing where enough of us are doing it, and enough of us have trusted it, that when you go to your physician or your coworkers and say, ‘I just don’t know about X, Y, Z,’ they respond with, ‘Okay, well, let me take a peek at it,’ or ‘What’s really tripping you up? Is there something specific?’ Being able to talk to your support people about that is huge. That’s the big skill. All I’m asking for is that people not only recognize that it’s happening, but also be able to do something about it.” (14:38 | Jenn Johnson) 
“Intuition is a very soft skill. How do you teach intuition? Well, it’s one of those things that just takes time, effort, validation, and practice.” (20:50 | Jenn Johnson)
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The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Oct 04, 2024

“Affiliate marketing in an ethical way not only helps patients see things from a different light, it builds relationships in the community that you live in,” says Dr. Lara Salyer. In this episode, Dr. Salyer talks about how healthcare professionals can use affiliate marketing without compromising their integrity. The key is to build trust by partnering with affiliates who truly align with your values.
But can these partnerships really improve patient care? According to Dr. Salyer, the answer is yes. Drawing from her own experience with float therapy, she explains how the right affiliate relationships can enhance both business and patient outcomes. Her key takeaway? Focus on building ethical, community-centered affiliate relationships that go beyond just generating revenue.
“Your role as a functional medicine health practitioner is to make it easy for your patients to live out this life that they want. There is no perfection in functional medicine. We all are putting our own tools together to live out our goals.” (08:35 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
“Affiliate marketing in an ethical way not only helps patients see things from a different light, it builds relationships in the community that you live in. They might be exposed to businesses they never would have thought to walk in their door. It also helps the businesses in your community by increasing their revenue stream. And depending on how you set it up, it might increase yours as well. But for me, that's not the main goal in marketing or affiliate relationships.” (09:33 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
“I would encourage you to build trust with your patients by not jumping into an affiliate relationship until you’ve tried that product and you’ve used it, until you firsthand have seen the benefit. I even build affiliates with the expertise of the patients in my community. When they come to me, with a new product that they’ve been trying and they see benefits, it gives me that curiosity to explore more. And that’s how I build the culture in my clinic that feels aligned with me.” (19:15 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
“Be very clear and transparent about what the patients are benefiting from with this affiliate and very transparent with that affiliate you’re working with on how you want to build this ecosystem. Make sure it aligns with your core values. Always revisit those core values because they can shift.” (19:46 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
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Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Sep 27, 2024

“Functional medicine is slow cook, not fast food,” says Dr. Lara Salyer as she talks about the challenges of running a fee-for-service model in functional medicine. While it’s a common approach, this model can struggle to support the ongoing, holistic care that functional medicine requires. Dr. Salyer emphasizes practical strategies, like booking follow-up appointments before patients leave and setting clear expectations for long-term treatment. She also highlights the value of using digital tools to keep patients connected between visits.
Beyond these tactics, Dr. Salyer explores creative options such as group visits and loyalty programs, which can increase patient motivation while fostering a sense of community and accountability. Are there areas in your practice where you could incorporate more of these ideas? Dr. Salyer encourages practitioners to be open to different models—whether it’s fee-for-service, membership-based, or a blend—so they can create environments that truly engage their patients, leading to better care and a more rewarding practice.
“We have an initial tidal wave of enthusiasm when we open our practice, because anybody that is into health and wellness is curious and they’ll book appointments with you. But after that initial tidal wave of interest, we often have this shrinking of our revenue, and not as many patients making appointments. That’s an opportunity to look at your systems and see where we can make improvements that will lead to more revenue and patient flow.” (01:54 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
“You have to be proactive in scheduling. There’s no two ways about it.” (04:33 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
“Functional medicine is slow cook, not fast food. It’s much like you would envision seeing a physical therapist. They’re not going to teach you your exercises once and then say bye-bye. They usually want you to come back, reassess the pain, the mobility, check your form, see if those exercises still apply, and maybe give you new ones. It’s the same exact thing.” (06:18 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
“Use digital tools as much as you can. Start curating a private video archive of online classes. They can do some of that heavy lifting for you in between office visits. So patients feel supported, and they feel less embarrassed that they don’t know anything.” (09:24 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
“You deserve to have the practice of your dreams, whether it is fee-for-service, membership, packages, whatever works for you. And let’s borrow Lego company’s mission, which is to inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow. That is you, my friend. You are a catalyst, and you are transforming healthcare.” (15:35 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
Catalyst Advantage 1:1 session (use "LISTENER" code for discount!):
Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Sep 20, 2024

“One of my personal mantras every day is to try to bring love into the room,” shares Dr. Allison Becker, a pioneering naturopathic physician in Evansville, Wisconsin. Her approach centers on truly listening to her patients and being fully present to create a space of trust and connection that’s often missing in modern healthcare.
Dr. Becker’s practice is rooted in functional testing and personalized care, which addresses the root causes of health issues rather than following the quick, checklist-driven model that we often see in conventional medicine. She takes the time to get to know her patients to allow them to move through their health journeys at their own pace. Along the way, she emphasizes the need for setting boundaries and practicing non-attachment, understanding that each person’s path to healing is deeply individual.
Tune in to hear how Dr. Becker’s advocacy for naturopathic doctor licensure in Wisconsin is shaping the field and how her holistic approach to healthcare empowers patients on their path to healing.
“One of my personal mantras every day is to try to bring love into the room. And it’s really done through listening.” (10:47 | Dr. Allison Becker)
“Medicine for me is a huge practice of faith and trust—that the people who are here are meant to be here, and that they are open, willing, and ready for a really big change.” (12:38 | Dr. Allison Becker) 
“I think the art of medicine is really being able to meet your patient where they’re at and determine, even on the first visit, what works for them in terms of what’s going to resonate with them in terms of a treatment, but also, at what pace can we go?” (25:01 | Dr. Allison Becker) 
“I feel like my job is to offer different options. Do we need to do more diagnostics? Can we try a therapeutic trial of something? If we do, what would that be? What can you afford? What can you work into your lifestyle? How many times a day can you take things? Are you able to exercise? Are you physically able to do these things? It’s really about meeting them where they’re at.” (25:50 | Dr. Allison Becker) 
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The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Sep 13, 2024

“What we forget, and what is undertrained in our medical field, is the bottom-up processing of making a decision, where you rely on your body, your emotions, and your interoception to give you information on which of the decisions might feel right for you. That’s the art of medicine that we don’t talk about often,” begins Dr. Lara Salyer. 
In this episode, Dr. Salyer introduces the “Quiet Compass,” a five-second technique designed to help people tap into their inner wisdom when faced with decisions. By blending analytical thinking with intuition, this approach offers a more balanced way to make choices, whether in personal or professional life.
Dr. Salyer highlights a common issue in healthcare—professionals are often trained to prioritize top-down decision-making, relying heavily on logic and analysis. While effective in certain situations, this method can lead to burnout and a disconnect from one’s own well-being. She explains how bottom-up processing—listening to the body’s signals and emotions—can provide clarity and help individuals make decisions that align with their core values and purpose. How often do we pause to check in with what our bodies are telling us before making important choices?
The Quiet Compass technique encourages a mindful pause: taking a breath, releasing doubt, and asking where the path to joy lies. Dr. Salyer emphasizes that regular practice strengthens this intuitive connection, making it easier to navigate life with a clearer sense of direction.
“What we forget, and what is undertrained in our medical field, is the bottom-up processing of making a decision, where you rely on your body, your emotions, and your interoception to give you information on which decisions might feel right for you. That’s the art of medicine that we don’t talk about often. And it’s the art of medicine that not only helps your patient get healthier but also helps you stay aligned with your own purpose, values, and mission.” (01:59 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
“As healthcare practitioners, we’re trained to ignore these important parts of our sensation, awareness, and experience. We’re taught to think critically, logically analyze, and make decisions based on evidence-based science. But we’re missing the art. The art of medicine is just as important.” (08:16 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
“When we go too far down the road of overanalyzing and top-down processes, we end up burned out, stressed out, overworked, and running on emotional fumes. We barely have the bandwidth to participate fully in the work or life masterpiece we’re trying to build. And why did we sign up for a career that leads to burnout? You can peddle back. This is one piece of it—peddling back to reclaim what you deserve, which is to be self-expressive in your own unique healing style that you bring to the exam room, so you can transform patient lives without burning out. That’s what we need, right?” (11:26 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
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The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Sep 06, 2024

“We all outgrow things,” says Dr. Lara Salyer. This week, she dives into the vital topic of recognizing when it’s time to move on from a mentor, teacher, or training organization. Reflecting on her experiences from medical school and beyond, Dr. Salyer emphasizes the importance of self-assessment in professional growth. She recalls realizing that the rigid teachings of her attendings were often more about personal preferences than universal truths, sparking the idea that healthcare professionals need to cultivate their own unique approaches to knowledge and practice.
Dr. Salyer shares ten red flags that might signal it’s time to reassess your current mentorship or training. These red flags manifest as physical feelings like depletion, dread, guardedness, and a sense of being fake or incomplete. Are these feelings popping up on your internal dashboard? If so, it might be time to pause and take a closer look at your professional relationships and learning environments. This episode invites you to stay curious about these emotions and consider whether your current path truly aligns with your evolving goals and needs.
Mentorship, as Dr. Salyer explains, should foster psychological safety, authenticity, and accountability. It’s not just about passing on knowledge, but also about supporting personal and professional growth, creating space for differing viewpoints, and encouraging open communication. She connects these red flags to burnout symptoms like emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a low sense of achievement.
But it’s not all about warnings—Dr. Salyer also highlights a green flag: the feeling of completeness. This positive sign indicates that you’ve grown significantly and are ready to embrace new challenges and opportunities. She encourages listeners to honor and express gratitude for the chapters they’ve completed before embarking on new journeys.
“When you are very adept at looking at the possibilities and expanding your imagination, you can be stuck in the gap. The gap from then to now, to the future. You’re stuck. Where do I go? What should I do? How do I make the right decision? And as I teach my catalysts, there isn’t a right decision. It’s not absolute, just like these attendings that had these absolute phrases and bestowed the wisdom to their naive third year medical students like me. There aren’t absolutes in life. It’s taking an inventory of how you feel from the inside out that will be your best guidance to make that best decision at that moment for you.” (06:44 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
“There are so many great niches in functional medicine, and so we get enamored with learning. Eventually, we might be at this juxtaposition, this fork in the road, and think, are we ready to leave? Should we look for something else? We might feel pulled in a different direction, and that’s what these 10 red flags are for.” (10:38 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
“Remember, burnout is three things: depersonalization, meaning you don’t see yourself in this process; low perceived achievement, where you don’t feel like you’re making any progress or see that you’re moving forward; and emotional exhaustion, where you’re running on fumes. Those three things are echoed in these 10 red flags.” (16:07 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
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Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Aug 30, 2024

“As doctors and clinicians in healthcare, we might have our own full moon stories. Things go a little crazy during a full moon,” says Dr. Lara Salyer. In this episode, Dr. Salyer uses the full moon as a powerful metaphor for growth and self-discovery, sharing her life experiences, including a memorable incident where a car crashed into a Nine West shoe store during a full moon, to illustrate how these lunar phases can shed light on our purpose and intuition.
Dr. Salyer dives into the cultural significance of the full moon, exploring themes of enlightenment, transformation, and balance. She challenges listeners to consider how they can harness this energy for meaningful self-reflection. 
Introducing the Japanese concept of ‘ikigai,’ Dr. Salyer offers a compelling framework for finding purpose at the intersection of what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. How might aligning these elements bring more fulfillment to your work and life? She outlines five actionable steps to help you connect with your purpose: reflect on peak moments, seek feedback, explore new interests, align practices with your core values, and incorporate creativity into your daily routine. These steps are designed not just to foster a deeper sense of fulfillment but to actively prevent burnout.
Dr. Salyer also highlights the importance of regular self-reflection and creative expression, suggesting that the full moon can serve as a monthly reminder to reassess and realign. She encourages listeners to engage with their communities, keep pushing the boundaries, and follow their inner light to achieve true professional satisfaction. 
“As a person who’s multi-passionate myself, please take these little tips with a grain of salt. You can have multiple purposes and missions. You can be excited by many things. Your ikigai is not just one solitary thing that you must stick to your whole life. It is often welcome to change, just like the moon. As you wax and wane, you can have tidal waves of flow where you’re drawn toward other missions and purposes. And that is why we need to connect to that deeper intuition, especially around a full moon.” (07:02 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
“I talk about this all the time in my studio mentorship for Catalyst, where we discuss creating your Catalyst culture. A Catalyst culture is aligned with your flow, leverages your strengths, is anti-burnout, and helps you stay on task with your values. We regularly audit our values because they can change and shift, and that’s okay—actually, it’s always okay.” (13:33 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
“Full moons are an opportunity to highlight your magnificence and to connect into that inner light that directs you.” (19:19 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
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Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Aug 23, 2024

“When something stops being fun, I advocate that you stop doing it. It’s an adage I live by, and I tell my kids the same,” says Dr. Lara Salyer. In this episode, she dives into the concept of “intermission”—those often challenging middle phases in life and career—and how to navigate them with courage and intention. Drawing from her own experience of transitioning from dyeing her hair teal to buzzing it off, Dr. Salyer demonstrates how embracing change can be a powerful act of bravery.
What role do intermissions play in your life? Dr. Salyer believes they’re essential for reflection, growth, and redefining your path, whether they’re planned or unexpected. She shares five key strategies for making the most of these periods. First, she encourages leading with curiosity—journaling to uncover the lessons within your current challenges. Second, she stresses the importance of owning your intermission by being open about it, fostering understanding and patience from others.
Do you feel pressured to have everything figured out? Dr. Salyer’s third tip is to resist this urge and instead embrace uncertainty, allowing curiosity to guide your next steps. Fourth, she suggests inviting collaborators into your journey, drawing on their insights while staying true to your own decision-making. Lastly, she talks about the opportunity to realign your culture and values during these times, making sure they reflect your new goals and passions.
By connecting these intermissions to flow neuroscience, Dr. Salyer illustrates how they are crucial for tapping into creativity and flourishing. She reminds us that embracing the messiness and uncertainty of these periods can lead to profound personal and professional transformations. Her message is simple but powerful: be brave in the face of change, and don’t be afraid to color outside the lines for a more fulfilling and expressive life.
“Intermission is necessary. In fact, it is an important part of every story. If we're looking at intermission, we can feel uncomfortable. It is messy and discombobulated.” (07:27 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
“If you are at an impasse or in a messy time of life, these tips will help you, no matter if it’s a work or life issue, as you paint that work-life masterpiece. The first tip is to lead with curiosity. Don’t be ashamed of an intermission, even if it’s unplanned… You can use this as an opportunity for curiosity.” (07:48 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
“Intermission is a beautiful gift. It’s a blessing so that you can clearly define your story and what matters for you moving forward. Embrace the pause, as messy as it is.” (14:33 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
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Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Aug 16, 2024

“I had a great job. I loved it. I had great work hours. I had a great life balance. I had all of these things, but there has to be more,” says Dr. Nneka Unachukwu, also known as Dr. Una, the founder of EntreMD—a company that empowers physicians to build profitable businesses and reclaim their autonomy in the medical field. This week, Dr. Una sits down with Dr. Lara Salyer to share her journey from feeling unfulfilled in a traditional medical role to finding success as an entrepreneur. What does it take to step away from the conventional path? For Dr. Una, the realization that practicing medicine wasn’t enough sparked her exploration into entrepreneurship, leading to a career that’s not only more satisfying but also more impactful.
Dr. Una shares the challenges she faced while transitioning from clinician to entrepreneur, stressing the importance of acquiring business skills and adopting a new mindset to succeed outside the traditional medical system. She emphasizes the value of recognizing and leveraging the inherent skills physicians possess, such as communication, problem-solving, and content creation, which are crucial in the business world. Dr. Una also talks about building a personal brand and how physicians can use their expertise to create diverse career opportunities through consulting, speaking engagements, and other entrepreneurial ventures.
The episode goes beyond just personal stories, delving into the systemic issues within healthcare that often lead to physician burnout. Is it time for a shift towards a more holistic and self-expressive approach to medical practice? Dr. Salyer and Dr. Una think so. They advocate for designing a career that’s more like a “work-life masterpiece” rather than chasing the elusive work-life balance, encouraging physicians to align their careers with their personal values and passions.
Dr. Una’s insights serve as a guide for physicians who are curious about entrepreneurship but want to maintain their professional integrity and personal well-being. This episode of The Catalyst is a must-listen for anyone interested in how physicians can create meaningful change in their lives and the healthcare system by embracing entrepreneurial principles and reimagining their roles beyond traditional practice.
• “The next evolution is to become an entrepreneur because opening a business does not make you an entrepreneur; there’s another evolution that’s required.” (10:22 | Dr. Nneka Unachukwu)
• “The question is then, can I have enough of an impact building a private practice, the system of it, that I can earn as much as I earn as a pediatrician taking care of patients? These are all things I started thinking about… We need to retool ourselves because what is coming requires us to negotiate, understand money, and build personal brands that will work. We need to be able to evolve and explore—all of us, right?” (13:56 | Dr. Nneka Unachukwu) 
• “In the entrepreneurial world, we emphasize building your dream business and your dream life concurrently. The concept is that when you were in med school, you postponed your life. When you were in residency, you postponed your life. You started the dream job that you thought would give you back your life, and you had to postpone your life a little more. While you’re building the business, you’re building your dream life. You get better at building the business, and you get better at the dream life. They’re both twins; they’re growing together.” (17:30 | Dr. Nneka Unachukwu)
• “Every physician is an entrepreneur. You may be ignoring your business, but every physician is an entrepreneur. The reason I say that is because every physician has a business, and that is their personal brand. Everybody knows it’s a business except us.” (33:14 | Dr. Nneka Unachukwu) 
Connect with Nneka Unachukwu, M.D.:Website:
The EntreMD Podcast:
Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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Friday Aug 09, 2024

“In healthcare, as much as I love being a physician, there are many gaps and deficiencies. Patients often have to rely on their own persistent autonomy, badgering caregivers, doctors, and providers to get attention; otherwise, details slip through the cracks because of the way the system is,” says Dr. Lara Salyer. This week, she delves into the art of transforming patient visits into home-like experiences, drawing inspiration from a heartwarming TikTok video of a foster parent welcoming a new child.
Dr. Salyer emphasizes the importance of setting the right tone from the very first interaction. She discusses how a well-designed website can alleviate patient anxiety by clearly outlining the process, expectations, and costs associated with their care. Transparency and clear communication build trust and ensure patients feel safe and understood.
In the office, attention to the five senses can create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Dr. Salyer suggests focusing on lighting, seating arrangements, offering refreshments, and ensuring privacy. Staff training is crucial for maintaining a consistent, empathetic, and friendly environment.
For online visits, tools like Zoom timers and clear agendas help manage expectations. Dr. Salyer underscores the importance of follow-up communication, providing patients with detailed visit summaries and additional resources to continue their care journey.
Feedback loops are essential for continuous improvement. Dr. Salyer encourages practitioners to be open to suggestions and foster a culture of co-creation and empathy. By doing so, healthcare providers can enhance the patient experience, making each visit a step towards healing in a supportive environment.
• “In healthcare, as much as I love being a physician, there are many gaps and deficiencies. Patients often have to rely on their own persistent autonomy, badgering caregivers, doctors, and providers to get attention; otherwise, details slip through the cracks because of the way the system is.” (03:56 | Dr. Lara Salyer)
• “Imagine if you used principles like this wonderful foster mom of opening your door and giving your patients a tour of how it looks on the inside. You’d alleviate a lot of anxiety, answer many questions ahead of time, and set the tone for the catalyst culture you want to create—one that is flow-channeled, self-expressive, regulates the nervous system, and has loving boundaries. This is the catalyst culture we maintain.” (04:15 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
• “By acknowledging the full scope of welcoming people in during their first visit, both in-person and digitally, you will go a long way—further than most practitioners—in establishing trust and safety. This approach helps patients along their healing journey even before you’ve received any lab results or prescribed any treatment plans.” (24:06 | Dr. Lara Salyer) 
Connect with Lara: 
The Catalyst Way:
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
TikTok: @Creativity.Doctor
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